All posts by matt

Communication Part 1

Communication is what ties everything else together. Without it we will not be able to effectively share our THERE with others, we will not be able to share truth with others, and we will not be able to encourage each other when the journey on the PATH of life becomes difficult. Healthy communication can be a challenge to master, but is well worth the investment as it creates trust with those we are leading.

The Two Circles

We always have a choice, and although we can’t control most things in this world, we can control a few. When we choose to allow our circumstances to affect us we end up living life with a victim mentality, but when we choose to take ownership of the things we can control we are able to walk in freedom from our circumstances. In this episode Dave and Chris talk about the 3 things we can control, and how we can take personal responsibility for our own stories.


There are two different systems that we use as we operate in the world around us. System 1, which is instinctive, is a learned behavior, an automatic response to the things that are happening around us. System 2 is calculated, it is a slowing down of the brain and thinking through of any given situation in order to intentionally respond to what is happening. When we discover that our system 1 isn’t serving us in a way that is effective, we need to engage our system 2 to figure out a better way.